Cheshire Property Damp Surveyors have all been trained by the Property Care Association (PCA) and have many years’ experience working within the residential surveying industry. They can identify the type, condition, location and extent of the damp damage present within a property. All this information is required when carrying out a damp inspection and compiling the survey report.
The damp survey we offer clients is generally completed because the lender
carrying out a valuation survey on a property has highlighted a potential risk of damage caused by damp. It can also be the result of the valuation surveyor noticing certain structural defects as a result of the damage.
The damp survey is a non-intrusive survey to the fabric of the property. A visual inspection is carried out to the suspect areas of the property and photographs are taken. The survey report is then finalised complete with a floor plan for location and identification purposes. This is then emailed in a pdf format to our client after which recommendations and results can then be discussed if required.
All surveys are delivered to our clients four days after the initial
inspection has been carried out.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements further.
Definition of Damp
Damp can be established where there is water in sufficient quantities to cause problems such as decorative spoiling, timber decay, staining etc. Dampness itself is not a health hazard, but the consequences of some types of dampness can include mould growths/dust mites etc.
Types of damp
Rising damp can be defined as the passage of groundwater up through masonry. The water rises through a series of inter-connecting pores by a process called capillarity (porous masonry acts like a wick).
Penetrating damp can be defined as free water deep within the fabric of a structure which is often local to an external defect.
Definition of condensation
Condensation can be defined as water which has “condensed” from warm air. Air holds water in the form of water vapour (moisture). Warm air is able to hold more moisture than cold air. When the warm air comes into contact with cold surfaces such as walls, windows etc, and is cooled, condensation occurs as the excess moisture is released.
Mould species/growth requirements
There are over 10,000 species of mould worldwide, less than a 100 are commonly reported in UK homes the most common being black mould. Moulds have the following requirements for growth, oxygen, suitable temperature, nutrients and moisture (this being the only controllable factor).
Mould species/growth requirements
Visual evidence of dampness